Sunday, May 13, 2018


I have taught at a good many design schools across the city, and been invited as Jury Member for various years and Departments.

All schools share a number of visiting faculty, (there was a time i was teaching at three schools and running my practice)and even full-time faculty are known to have switched schools.

Yet in the last 20 years of been part of the Design Community ( if we can call it that?) i have seen little (The Staging of ToD Plays by third year SPA at NIFT, Delhi in 1998-99 being the bare exception) or no cross school collaborations.

And i'm begging to know why? 

Theres more design work to do in this country than can be done by the total number of graduates from every single design school of the country can do combined, i would argue. And more than that there are opportunities for students to go out and work on real projects with actual transformatory influences in the public realm. 

Also with the growing awareness of environmental responsibility and disciplinary design, the design schools is where we can make the change and ACTUALLY demonstrate the potential of design, and collaborative work to the larger public ( which mostly thinks the design is an aesthetic passtime aimed at the rich)

Why dont these schools talk to each other? It isnt uncommon that students have friends in other design schools, of both similar and different disciplines, (not to mention even no design related courses in other universities and colleges)

So why don't we talk?

We are a Design Community

Or are we a Design Competition

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